jueves, febrero 9

American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP)
Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 6:02 PM
Subject: FW: Speciality of Urgencies in Spain

Dear Senor Aramburu

For a number of years, the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) has observed with great enthusiasm the efforts of SEMES to have the government and house of medicine in Spain recognize Emergency Medicine as a medical specialty in your wonderful country. To the extent that we are able, we wish to lend our support to SEMES in its efforts. If, for example, a letter of endorsement from our president, Dr. Rick Blum, might be of value, I would be happy to pursue that on SEMES' behalf. Please note that I am copying Robert Schafermeyer, MD, FACEP a past president of ACEP, who is ACEP's official international ambassador to Spain -- so that he is aware of this latest initiative by SEMES. If he or I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Sincere Regards,

Thomas S. Werlinich Associate Executive Director Educational & Professional Products Division Staff Liaison, Section on International Emergency Medicine American College of Emergency Physicians 800-798-1822, ext. 3250 twerlinich@acep.org

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